Friday, 15 May 2009

Thank God it's Friday!

Quick update on life a la Sue.
  1. I've woken up this morning with a random bleeding scratch right down the side of my nose. No idea how I've done, but perfect timing for the ball tonight where a) I'd like to look my best, and b) lots of photos will be taken.
  2. The budgeting is working so far, and I might actually finish the month without running over. Hallelujah. However, there's still 4 days left in which I could potentially fuck it up.
  3. I'm leaving for Wales in an hour and I still haven't even started packing. Whoops.
  4. I haven't got round to organising my date for Sunday, because I'm phenomenally disorganised - might do it by text once I'm in the car for Wales (I'm not driving - don't worry).
  5. I've been watching too many extreme sports vids recently, and I have serious lifestyle envy. Come to that I have serious skills envy - those boys and girls pull off some seriously sick moves. Note to self - must try harder.

Right - need to go and pack. Have fun.

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