Wednesday 13 May 2009

The perils of living in the countryside

For a start, you never know when the dustbin lorry that you're following along the lane is going to randomly knock down a tree that will then fall right across the road in front of you, completely blocking the lane.

Yep - that's what happened to me on my way to work this morning! The lorry clipped the branches (nothing unusal on lanes with overhanging trees), and I thought "oooh, I'm going to drive through a shower of blossom - how pretty!". Obviously the blossom was weighing the branches down a lot lower than usual though, because as the lorry moved forward the whole tree started to move and the trunk cracked clean through.

Luckily, A) I stopped in time that I didn't end up under the tree, and B) the binmen saw what had happened in their rear-view mirror and very kindly came back and moved the tree out the way to clear the road.

Just another normal journey to work, huh?

Windsurfing rocked last night, by the way. It was very windy with strong gusts, and we were wobbly, not having been out on the boards for 6 months, but it was great fun tearing up and down the lake on the edge of control and falling in a lot. I came in after an hour as I was shattered. Had just enough time to drive home, grab some tea and head up to the pub to meet friends, and then slept like an absolute baby last night.

Bridget's boyfriend Tim also very kindly picked up my bike on the way back from the pub, as he's going to take to Wales with his and B's for the weekend, so we can hit the trails at Llandegla on Sat after the ball - ace!!

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