Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Packing panic

I'm feeling rather panicked over the impending Norway trip at the moment, as I'm leaving Thursday lunchtime (by which I mean I'm going straight from work, so really I'm leaving at 6.30 in the morning as need to be at work super early) and I haven't a clue what I'm taking or where any of it is. Eeeeeeeek!!!

I think I might have mentioned before that I loathe packing, and will always leave it until the last possible moment. I feel rather like I'm about to do it all over again! It also feels weird going on a trip where we haven't planned anything out, don't know what we're going to see, or really even how we're getting to our accommodation, or where it is. This whole trip is going to be an exercise in completely winging it, even though it's been booked for ages.

Ah well - I guess it will all get sorted because it usually does! Right now, I'm just praying that I don't get ill - my flatmate reappeared last night after an absence of a week whilst she's been hiding at her boyfriend's house, and they've both had gastric flu. She said last night that she still wasn't feeling entirely right, and I'm now I'm totally paranoid that I'll somehow pick it up to right in time for the trip. *Gulp*

I have been responsible though - most social engagements have been cancelled this week to give me enough time to sort for the holiday, so that'll save me some money and calories! lol

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