Friday, 30 October 2009

Feeling a bit abandoned

I'm feeling pretty emotional right now. One of my colleagues at work is retiring and he's the darling of the department. Everyone's gutted to see him go as he's been here 40 years and there's a lot of tears and lumps in throats right now as he says goodbye.

On top of that I've just been hot with a load if stress as I've just had an email from my soon to be ex-flatmate who's just let me know that despite the fact that the tenancy on the flat isn't up til the end of the month, she's cancelled the landline as of Monday! I'm probably going to take on the tenancy on my own for a while but the email notice only went to the landlord yesterday, and I haven't even spoken to them about a new lease yet, so how the bloody hell does she expect me to just renew the phone contract. So bloody selfish. She moved out down to her boyfriends months ago but she's carried on renting because they didn't have enough space for all her stuff down at his straight away. She's done everything without consulting me at all, and I just feels bit abused by the whole situation because for months now I've just been in a kind of limbo waiting for her to make her next move and let me know where I stand.

Final stress at the moment? I'm trying to sort out my birthday celebrations for next month, and very few people can seem to be arsed to make te effort, which leaves me feeling super popular. A friend of a friend who we know a little has her birthday a couple of days before mine and is celebrating her 30th the same weekend as my birthday. Virtually all of my close friends have been invited and have chosen to attend which leaves me with virtually nobody around on my actual birthday. Frankly it makes me feel like shit because I can't help feeling like they've picked her over me because she's so much more fun, since at least half of them know me much better than her. Then there's the fact that every other bugger seems to be busy already that weekend with more fun people than me. It's denting my confidence.

Ah hell, I'm trying so hard not to be stupid about all of this but I'm letting it get to me.

-- Posted from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I can see where you are coming from with your birthday, I would feel shitty too, but maybe they feel like they have to attend the 30th celebrations given its a milestone birthday? Maybe explain to them how you feel and so you can arrange something else?

    Your ex-flatmate sounds pretty selfish, hope you manage to sort it all out soon. Chin up lady :) x
